
As part of the next stage of the Government’s roadmap out of national lockdown, outdoor sports facilities can open, and organised outdoor sport can take place. This means that from Monday 29th March, organised outdoor Rugby League activity, following all RFL and government protocols, can take place.


The aim of this note is to share with you what we currently know about what the return to activity at the end of March will look like to help your planning. This is based on our conversations with the Government to date and information published on Please note that our updated guidelines will be published as soon as we receive the DCMS Sports Specific guidance. We expect that this will be early in the week commencing Monday 22nd March. Please note that we will need to regularly update our own guidance as we move through the different steps of the Government’s roadmap.

To reiterate our proposed timelines for our Community Game Return to Play are detailed below:

  • March 29 – Training can begin – This includes return of Touch RL, Try Tag and X-League. There is a phased return to contact.

  • April 24/25 – Primary RL games may commence

  • April 24/25 & May 1/2 – Friendly fixtures may take place

  • May 8/9 – Competitions may commence


The tiered system has now been removed and the Government’s approach moving forward, will be a national approach.



The Government guidance on travel is that the ‘stay at home’ rule will end on Monday 29 March, but many restrictions will remain in place. As organised sport can resume, all participants may travel to games but should avoid travel at the busiest times and routes, as well as minimising any unnecessary journeys where possible. All participants must follow the Government’s guidance on safer travel , which we expect will be updated shortly.

Changing Rooms

Changing rooms cannot be used as part of step one in the roadmap out of lockdown and must remain shut. We are working with the Government on what this will look like through each step of restrictions being lifted. We are anticipating restricted use of changing rooms will be allowed at Step 3 and will update further in due course. We will update our guidance as soon as we have any further information. Toilets will be allowed to open, 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after training and/or matches. 


No spectators are allowed at training or matches as part of step one of the Government’s roadmap, unless for safeguarding purposes which should be limited to one parent or carer per child. Again we are anticipating this will change as we progress through the roadmap.

Participant Registration

Clubs are reminded that it is the responsibility of the player (or player’s parent/guardian if under 18) to complete the registration process and not the club on their behalf. This is particularly important due to the current Coronavirus regulations as there is an opt-in agreement that must be re   viewed and agreed to as part of the return to play process.  If this is not followed the Club could find themselves in breach of the RFL Operational Rules and will be found guilty of misconduct. 

Expression of Interest Forms – Open Age

Application forms for our Open Age competitions have now been circulated with an initial deadline of the 19th of March (today). If you require a link to a particular application form or would like further information on a particular competition, please contact


Open Age – Friendlies

At this stage we expect friendly matches to be able to take place from the 24th of April. Any matches will need to be sanctioned by the RFL so they can be added to the LeagueNet system. Please contact or your usual Competition Administrator with the full details of any matches you are looking to arrange

Social Rugby League

Non-contact Social RL (Touch RL, Try Tag, X-League) will return on week commencing 29th of March

As with everything we are on hand to help and support you through these challenging times and will be looking forward to the return of activity and opportunities that it will bring for us all.  

Masters Rugby League

Master’s training can recommence week commencing 29th of March in line with our RTP.  Games will however only commence from the 22nd of May when hopefully clubhouses and the use of changing rooms will be permitted. 

